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Costs of a European Union Trade Mark Renewal

The fees apply to online renewals.

Office (€) Attorney (€)
renewal fee for class(es)
value added tax
total amount

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Due date 10th, 20th, 30th, … anniversary of the filing date
Time limit for payment without surcharge -
Earliest possible payment date Payment may not be made more than 6 months before due date
Time limit for payment with surcharge 6 months of due date
Surcharge 25% office fee + 75.00 € + 15.00 € @ each class starting from the 3rd class attorney's fee


We do not charge an additional fee for taking over representation when renewing European Union trademarks.

There are two ways of taking over representation:

It is the policy of our office to renew European Union trademarks only which we represent and not to advance office fees for new clients.

This page should not be construed as legal advice.
No responsibility is accepted for the correctness of the official fees. The attorney's fees indicated on this page are minimum charges of the law firm Dr.-Ing. Hellmich which may be raised in urgent cases.
This page does not constitute an offer but rather "invitatio ad offerendum" (invitation to make an offer).